If you’re looking for nutrient-rich source of vitamins and fatty acids to help keep you and your family healthy, then look no further than cod liver oil.

Is Cod Liver Oil like other fish oils?

Regular fish oil is extracted from the tissue of oily fish like tuna, herring, anchovies and mackerel, while cod liver oil is extracted from the livers of cod. Cod liver oil is an incredibly nutritious type of fish oil supplement. It’s very convenient and contains a great combination of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Some plant sources (such as nuts, seeds, and vegetable oil) contain another kind of omega-3 fatty acid, called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This hasn’t been proven to be as beneficial as the fatty acids from fish oils.

What are the nutritional benefits of cod liver oil?

Research shows that there are many benefits to taking cod liver oil supplements. They include:

  1. Helps reduce your chances of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
  2. Contributing to the normal function of the immune system.
  3. Reducing your chances of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
  4. Cod liver oil can be put directly on the skin to speed healing of wounds, burns, and rashes.
  5. Taking cod liver oil might decrease pain, morning stiffness, and swelling in some patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  6. Helping maintain strong and healthy bones due to the presence of vitamin D.
  7. Improving eye health by reducing inflammation thanks to high amounts of vitamin A
  8. Boosting brain function and memory skills
  9. Taking cod liver oil has been linked with a 29% lower chance of older adults having depression symptoms.