What is omega-3 and why is it good for you?

Omega-3 is a form of unsaturated fat that’s typically sourced from oily fish. It is one of the main forms of fat we need to stay healthy.

There are two types of omega-3 (DHA and EPA) found in fish, both of which have amazing health benefits like those listed above. Many people struggle to consume the right amounts of Omega 3. That’s where cod liver oil supplements come in. Cod liver oil has higher levels of DHA per serving (the most important omega 3 for brain function) than any other supplement.

Cod liver oil capsules vs liquid

If you’re keen to make cod liver oil one of your regular supplements, you’ll find it comes in both capsule and liquid form. However, if you can’t stand the taste of fish, you might prefer the soft cod liver oil capsules instead. Make sure you store it in a cool, dry place and not in direct sunlight to prevent it from spoiling.

Cod liver oil side effects

If taken correctly and in the right dosage for you, you shouldn’t experience any side effects from cod liver oil. Taking cod liver oil with meals can often decrease side effects like belching and heartburn.

As omega-3 can lower your blood pressure, it’s always best to consult your doctor first if you have a heart condition or are taking medications such as blood thinners or aspirin.

What is the right dosage?

You’ll find the recommended dosage on the back of your chosen cod liver oil supplement.

Remember that supplements should always be taken alongside a healthy and balanced diet and never be a substitute for food. Ideally, you should be eating at least two portions of oily fish per week. We recommend taking your cod liver oil with food, especially fatty food, to help you better digest and absorb the omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Chowdhury R, et al. (2012). Association between fish consumption, long chain omega 3 fatty acids, and risk of cerebrovascular disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. DOI:
  • Clayton EH, et al. (2009). Reduced mania and depression in juvenile bipolar disorder associated with long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation. DOI:
  • Ernahrungswiss Z. (1989). The effects of the intake of cod liver oil on the blood lipid level, the lipoprotein profile, and bleeding time.
  • Eysteinsdottir T, et al. (2015). Cod liver oil consumption at different periods of life and bone mineral density in old age. DOI:
  • Linday LA. (2010). Cod liver oil, young children, and upper respiratory tract infections.